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ROFWOL stands for Rock Foundation for Widows, Orphans & Less Privileged

We are committed to transparency and regularly provide updates on our website about our projects, financial reports, and the impact of donations

ROFWOL is proud to maintain a high efficiency rate, with a significant portion of donations directly funding our charitable initiatives.

Yes, we welcome passionate individuals to join our volunteer programs. Contact us to explore volunteer opportunities.

You can contribute by making a donation through our website or contacting us directly for partnership opportunities

Absolutely! We offer sponsorship opportunities for both projects and individual children. Visit our Sponsor page for more details.

Beneficiaries are selected based on a thorough needs assessment, considering factors such as socio-economic status, vulnerability, and the impact of our intervention on their lives.

ROFWOL is registered not only in Nigeria but also in the United States. While our programs primarily focus on communities within Nigeria, we remain open to exploring international initiatives through our ROFWOL CHILD EMPOWERMENT FUND [ROF-CEF] INC

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